Croydon SSP Active 15 minute Challenges have been created to help children and young people remain active and improve their skills whilst at home.
The government promotes that children and young people should participate in at least 60 active minutes a day. With school closures, social distancing and self-isolation, it is vital that we are still active and this resource will give you some ideas on how you can achieve this. It will also help alleviate some of the boredom of being stuck indoors at this delicate time.
Adults are encouraged to join in and make it into a family challenge!
Please see below for more details and click on the links to access these free resource sheets for all the family.
Please make sure you tag us on Twitter or Instagram with any challenges that you try as we would love to see how you are getting on with #StayInWorkOut
Week 1 Active Challenges
Week 1 Challenges |
Equipment & Space Requirements + Skill Development |
Squat Challenge |
- Equipment: A space
- Multi Skill: Lower Body
- Space: Enough to be able perform squats without hitting anything.
Wall Sit |
- Equipment: A wall space
- Multi Skill: Coordination
- Space: Enough to be able to comfortable fit against a wall
Pat Ball
- Equipment: A wall space
- Multi Skill: Hand Coordination
- Space: Enough to be able to hit the bouncy ball up into the air above your head without hitting any ceilings or lights.
Capture The Egg
- Equipment: Tennis Ball or Small Soft Ball
- Multi Skill: Throwing and Catching, Coordination
- Space: Enough to be able to throw the ball up into the air above head and not hit any ceilings or lights
Plank Challenge
- Equipment: A space
- Multi Skill: Whole Body Strength
- Space: Enough to be hold a plank position
Week 2 Active Challenges
Download Week 2 Active Challenge Sheet with Video Links
Week 2 Challenges |
Equipment & Space Requirements + Skill Development |
Shoulder Tap Challenge
- Equipment: Your own body
- Multi Skill: Core Engagement
- Space: Enough to be in the plank position and be able
- to move your arms freely
Dance Challenge
- Equipment: Your own body and some creativity
- Multi Skill: Coordination and Balance
- Space: Enough to safely move around
Press Up Challenge
- Equipment: Your own body
- Multi Skill: Core engagement and chest muscles
- Space: Enough to be in the plank position and be able to move your body freely
Sideways Box Jump
- Equipment: Your own body
- Multi Skill: Leg muscles
- Space: Enough to jump safely over an object and land on two feet
Tricep Dip Challenge
- Equipment: Your own body and a chair or sofa
- Multi Skill: Tricep muscles and core muscles
- Space: Enough to lower your body safely
Week 3 Active Challenges
Download Week 3 Active Challenge Sheet with Video Links
Week 3 Challenges |
Equipment & Space Requirements + Skill Development |
Messy rooms
- Equipment: Small Toys, Balls, Socks or anything you can think of & a bucket or box to put your items in
- Multi Skill: Coordination and Balance
- Space: Enough to spread the items around the room or garden and to be able to move around safely.
Ball Balance
- Equipment: A ball, beanbag or sock and lots of enthusiasm
- Multi Skill: Coordination and Throwing
- Space: Enough to safely move around and throw an item into the air
Target Toss
- Equipment: Some socks rolled up or beanbags (if you have them), plus some targets (e.g. plastic/paper plates or small towels)
- Multi Skill: Throwing
- Space: Enough to throw some items to land a safe distance away from you
Super Switch
- Equipment: small items such as rolled up socks or tennis balls (if you have them)
- Multi Skill: Agility, Balance & Coordination
- Space: Enough to move safely and place items
Week 4 Active Challenges
Download Week 4 Active Challenge Sheet with video Links
Week 4 Challenges |
Equipment & Space Requirements + Skill Development |
- Equipment: A number of small items (eg. socks, tennis balls or small soft balls), plus a bigger item as a target (eg. a football or swiss ball (this is a large ball, also known as a gym ball or yoga ball)
- Multi Skill: Coordination and Throwing
- Space: Enough to be able for the large target to be move across a room or on a surface
Wrap Around
- Equipment: A ball, beanbag or sock and lots of enthusiasm
- Multi Skill: Coordination and Balance
- Space: Enough to safely move an item around your body
- Equipment: Some socks rolled up, beanbags or tennis balls (if you have them) and some targets (e.g. bottles of water or skittles)
- Multi Skill: Throwing
- Space: Enough to throw some items to land a safe distance away from you
Beanbag Shuffle
- Equipment: small items such as rolled up socks or beanbags (if you have them)
- Multi Skill: Agility, Balance & Coordination
- Space: Enough to move safely and place items
Week 5 Active Challenges
Download Week 5 Active Challenge Sheet with Video Links
Week 5 Challenges |
Equipment & Space Requirements + Skill Development |
- Equipment: : A small item (sock, tennis ball or small soft ball) and some bigger items as targets (cones or footballs)
- Multi Skill: Coordination and Throwing
- Space: Enough to space out the targets across your room or space
Fantastic Footwear
- Equipment: Some cones or socks
- Multi Skill: Coordination and Balance
- Space: Enough to safely move in and out of the cones
Workout Wednesdays (Anydays!)
- Equipment: None just some enthusiasm and a willingness to work hard!
- Multi Skill: Core workout
- Space: Enough to perform the activities safely without hitting anything
Race The Clock
- Equipment: small items such as rolled up socks, soft balls (or beanbags if you have them) & a target (bucket or a box)
- Multi Skill: Throwing & Coordination
- Space: Enough to throw safely items into a target
Week 6 Active Challenges
Download Week 6 Active Challenge Sheet with Video Links
Week 6 Challenges |
Equipment & Space Requirements + Skill Development |
Fish & Chips
- Equipment: A tennis racket or frying pan and a smaller item that can be hit up into the air (eg a tennis ball, soft ball or rolled up sock)
- Multi Skill: Hand and Eye Coordination and Agility
- Space: Enough to space to be able to hit the smaller item up into the air and be able to move
Cha Cha Slide & Bring Sally Up Challenge
- Equipment: Just your own body
- Multi Skill: Core
- Space: Enough to safely move in your area
Target Throw
- Equipment: Some smaller items (rolled up socks or small soft balls) and a target (a bucket or box)
- Multi Skill: Throwing & Coordination
- Space: Enough to perform the activities safely without hitting anything
- Equipment: a hockey stick (or a broom or mop would work), small items such
- as rolled up socks (or soft balls if you have them) & some cones/markers. Multi Skill: Hand/Eye Coordination & Agility
- Space: Enough to move safely move through the cones